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This book is a downloadable PDF version, which has 119 pages.

High quality wire wrapping techniques to boost your creativity; skip level tutorials, teaching you more elaborated techniques which you can incorporate in multiple designs.
This book has been created with the desire to incorporate completely new techniques into wire wrapping and weaving, inspired by oriental jewelry making. It will guide you through very detailed step by step instructions, which can be followed by complete beginners as well.
Teaching you the basic techniques, we will show you how to create elegant and sellable wire jewelry, by guiding you through 10 jewelry making tutorials for intermediate and advanced level.

What is included?
-wire weaving and wrapping techniques with detailed illustrations, step by step instructions
-10 tutorials from start to finish
-cabochon settings, bead settings, faceted stone settings
-colored, high resolution pictures with detailed instruction
-tools and wires descriptions, recommendations
-tips and tricks


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Wire Wrapping & Weaving Oriental Inspired Jewelry Making Tutorials Book

SKU: 0281
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